Press Releases for Delray

  • 577

    Major Property Management Company in Florida Earns $30 Million Hurricane Insurance Settlement

    Check Presentation to Condo Board Members to be held on Monday, March 26th at 11 a.m.

    By : | 03-19-2012 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 577

  • 449

    My Drug Detox Touts Benefits of Outpatient Detox

    Visit for high quality services in the areas of detoxation. If you want to get rid of alcohol addiction, the center may be the best choice for you. With the highest quality of care combined with affordability, you can get immediate treatment at the center.

    By : | 01-21-2012 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 449

  • 383

    Halfway There Announces Recovery Programs with Housing in Delray

    "Halfway There", one of the renowned recovery centers of Florida, announces recovery programs within sober living in Delray in order to provide its clients the luxury required to distract them while they are being treated. They give them a new lifestyle to get busy with along with proper medication and recovery courses. This characteristic combination has proved to be the fastest in the past and can do if for almost everyone in need.

    By : | 12-14-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 383

  • 394

    Benefits of Having a Virtual/Shared Office: Office 55 Delray

    Office 55 offers a combination of virtual offices and shared office space, allowing for an optimal situation for on-the-go workers looking to keep costs down

    By : | 09-16-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 394